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Specialized Coaching Services for

ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Dyslexia, Executive Function Skill Challenges, Behavioral Challenges, Twice-Exceptional (2e), and other complex learning profiles

Designed to Evolve with and Respond to Each Person's Unique and Individualized Needs
Are you an exhausted, concerned, and overwhelmed parent of a child or young adult who is struggling at home, in school, at college, or in life?

Have you ever thought or been told that your child could do better if they just tried harder?

Do you wish you could figure out how to help your child tell the truth, follow directions, get started with homework, listen to your advice, and do what you know they are capable of doing?

Have you tried all the parenting tips and strategies but nothing seems to change or work with your child, not even rewards, consequences, or incentives?

In fact, most times, it seems to make things worse!

Have you been looking for someone who understands your situation and could guide you and help your child learn what to do differently so that things could improve for everyone?

Look no further!

You have found the place that will provide you and your child with the help you need.


CLICK HERE to book a FREE DISCOVERY CALL or email us at [email protected] to discuss your concerns and learn more about how coaching with 2TTS, Inc. can help you, your child, and your family!

The coaches at 2tametheshamE, Inc. know what it takes to guide you and your child to a place of calm and connection while also building habits, routines, systems and skills that transform the chaos into connection, curiosity, collaboration, and transformation.

Meet the 2tamethehamE, Inc. Coaches

Your Allies in Compassionate Curiosity, Collaboration, Transformation, and Thriving!

Courtney Edman, MS, PT, CEIS

Wendy Bertagnole, M. Ed.

Kristin Wilcox, Ph.D

What Services Does 2TametheshamE, Inc Offer?

Who Can Benefit from Coaching ?

People of all ages:
Whether an elementary school student or pursuing a Ph.D.; whether you have ADHD, Executive Function Skill challenges, Anxiety, other learning disabilities,
or are Autistic, Twice-Exceptional, or simply struggle with focus, organization, effort, confidence, or self-esteem, 2tametheshamE, Inc.'s strengths-based, whole person, executive function skill coaching is right for you!

Parents and families with kids of any age who have ADHD, Executive Function Skill challenges, Behavioral Challenges, Anxiety, other learning disabilities, or are Autistic, Twice-Exceptional, or whose kids are home after trying college which wasn't a right fit and need to figure out what's next, 2tametheshamE, Inc.'s strengths-based, whole person, executive function skill coaching is right for you!

Older High School students trying to navigate the transition from High School to College; College Students struggling to keep up with the academic and life demands of on-campus living, and young adults living at home who are struggling with what it takes to be independent and manage young adult life and responsibilities, 2tametheshamE, Inc.'s strengths-based, whole person, executive function skill coaching is right for you!

Listen to What Others Have Shared About Their Experience with 2tametheshamE Inc.'s

Strengths-Based, Whole Person, Executive Function Skill Coaching

"From the moment I spoke with Courtney during my initial consultation, I could tell that she is a person who understands. All of the nuances about my son who is autistic, anxious, depressed, and has dyslexia, dysgraphia, and ADHD, accumulated over 17 years of his life, were not surprising to her. She could finish my sentences. She has personally been through it all, the knowledge that she possesses is undeniable. She shaped my way of thinking and showed me a way to approach my son from a place of love, compassion and understanding. She empowered me with a way to deal with his school issues and set me up with a plan for success. She turned challenges into opportunities and encouraged me to trust my parental instinct. She gave me a tremendous amount of targeted support and helped me heal the rift between my son and I. My family was struggling but we now have a solid plan going forward and I am more resilient and confident now than I was before I met her. I’m very grateful to Coach Courtney for her professionalism, quick responses and her dedication to her clients! She was born to do this!!" - Lydia I.

"Discovering Courtney and her parent/child coaching program has been one of the most important things to happen to me in the past several months. I felt so alone parenting a neurodivergent child. No one around me seemed to understand what my son and I were/are going through. Courtney does. Courtney has pulled together a community of parents just like me. Every week, I have the opportunity to meet with Courtney and this community of parents to share my experiences and listen to theirs. This has made me feel so much less alone in this journey. It has even brought me joy. Courtney is real. She too is the parent of a neurodivergent child, who is now a young adult. She understands the challenges, the extreme lows, and the rawness of feeling like a failure as a parent despite the fact that you have been trying so hard. Compassionate curiosity has been the key to changing my relationship with my son. Though, this is not always easy, it takes patience, a lot of it and so much practice! Compassionate curiosity is imperative. Courtney truly cares about the parents, children, and young adults that she coaches. You can clearly tell by the way she listens and responds. I'm so thankful for finding Courtney and her amazing community of parents, just like me. I highly recommend that you give Courtney a chance. The information she provides is not just applicable to your relationship with your neurodivergent child, but can also be used to improve your relationship with your neurotypical child(ren) and even your partner/spouse." - Kelsey

"Courtney started with my 16-year-old daughter this Spring who struggles with depression, ADHD and ASD and had not done well with prior EF tutors. Courtney had her work cut out for her, as my daughter is not quick to trust adults or experts. She had become convinced that no tools will work for her. Courtney took just the right amount of time building a relationship with Sophia and in addressing Sophie's own goals. They have a great working relationship and have started building on that to organization and executive function skills. Courtney has helped me to step back and not be Sophie's constant reminder and this is helping her build the skills for independence and college." - Lauren

" Courtney is truly exceptional in coaching and offers so much support and guidance. When I was struggling with finding the right career path in college, she knew all the right questions to ask to help me focus on my strengths, interests, and goals. It was very clear that Courtney genuinely cared and she followed up with me several times. , Courtney's coaching played a huge part in helping me feel confident in my decision to make big changes to my career goals." - Madison S.

"Courtney Edman led the best parent group! Her work as a parent coach and facilitator helped me with my communication style with my son who struggles with ADHD and Executive Functioning. Thanks to her insight, I was able to effectively communicate with my son and he actually opened up to me in a way that he never had before! ." - Elizabeth R

"As a parent of two differently wired kids, doing the best I can to support and nurture my kids can be challenging, lonely and frustrating (even though they also bring joy and laughter!). Courtney has been a tremendous help to provide concrete and tactical ways to create structure and scaffolding strategies for the kids. There are so many resources out there but she helps to wade through the noise to provide specific, relevant resources for me (books, podcasts, camps, etc.). I have seen a noticeable improvement in my son's confidence and behavior since I started working with Courtney. My son also looks forward to talking to her and sharing what is going on with him" - Renee C

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